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Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy:
"These statements have not been ''approved'' by the FDA"
90% of all sickness and disease begins inside an unclean colon. But colonic cleansing, Colon 'hydrotherapy can help your colon health without the use of drugs or laxatives. .
Toxins and waste can build up in your colon, just like what happens if you never clean the sewer pipes in your home. Both need a thorough cleansing from time-to-time, or the results could be disastrous.
Many doctors are now embracing colonics (colon hydrotherapy) as an adjunct to their traditional medical treatments, or as part an overall regimen of complementary and alternative medicine Colonics help to cleanse and detoxify colon, liver, kidney and lymphatic systems.
Biltmore Wellness Center work with athletes have opted for colon therapy to improve metabolic efficiency.
Many receive the treatments during a period of lifestyle change or as a preventive measure.
Many of our clients find some help with symptoms of intestinal distress; constipation (some from prescription drugs), carbohydrate indigestion, diarrhea, gas, bloat, hemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticulitis, colitis, parasites, skin conditions such as psoriasis, shingles, and eczema, inability to lose weight, and scar tissue and adhesions from surgery.
Some find colon hydrotherapy help with relif from pain as abdominal pain, continuous headaches and migraines, back or shoulder pain, aching joints, gout.
Maintenance for symptoms with lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barre, candida.
Some number of our clients come in during a fast, a cleansing program, a raw food diet, a liver and /or gallbladder flush, or recovering from an accident.
Some are working on emotional issues which they feel are physiologically rooted in their intestines.
Colonics for women can be particularly advantageous to alleviate pre and post menstrual discomfort and pain.
Men experiencing constipation and prostate problems, onset by excess pressure on the lower bowel, may also obtain significant relief from a series of colonic irrigations.
Compression of neighboring organs disappears or attenuates when volume reduces in the colon. Relaxing effect on organs above intestines such as the liver, heart, and lungs. Sensation of lightness may be experienced.
Reduces pressure in the intra-abdominal area which improves venous return from lower extremities and pelvic zone. Relaxes pressure on the hips and lumbar column and is beneficial to their mobility. Relaxes abdominal muscles from the action of water temperature and massage that accompany the colonic. Increases abdominal muscle tone due to reducing intestinal residues.
Stimulates peristaltic action of intestines restoring normal muscle tone and therefore removal of constipation. Potential to correct intestinal transit problems such as constipation and diarrhea without resorting to prescription drugs.
Sensation of well being due to the elimination of mucus, alimentary remainders not digested, gases and toxic bacteria. Relieves inflammation and edema due to elimination of irritating substances.
Expels parasites due to alternating water temperatures.Decreases demineralization of body because it improves metabolism.
Relieves gynecological disorders such as cystitis and dysmenorrhea due to reduction of a prolapsed intestine. Reduces risk of complications after surgery because it reinforces natural immunity. We can suppose colon hydrotherapy improves functions of the large intestines, lymph and nervous system because a relation exists between them in the GI tract.
Reduces weight and slims due to activating elimination. Creates an increase in mental capacity and rejuvenation since it decreases the degenerative process, normal or accelerated, by removing toxic substances that affect biological aging.
Cancer patients, experiencing increased toxic stress and constipation during chemotherapy and radiation treatment, can benefit from colonic hydrotherapy. Douglas Brodie, MD, of Reno, Nevada a practicing oncologist and homeopath observes, "I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed." Any reduction of toxic stress on the major organs of elimination may aid in strengthening the immune system.
However, it is important that a cancer patient be under competent medical supervision. One would not want to administer colon treatments to a patient who was too weak , whereby the colon irrigations might weaken them further. In addition, colon irrigations would be contraindicated in a patient with a tumor in the rectum or large intestine. Also, colon irrigations would be temporarily contraindicated in any patient whose intestinal tract is too acidic.
When the mucous membranes in the colon become too irritated or friable, colon irrigations may be too harsh a treatment. The client should consolt medical provider and ask about metabolic program to reduce the acid state before beginning a series of colon hydrotherapy treatments.
The following list contains benefits as reported by physicians, colon therapists, and recipients of colon therapy from around the world.
Pleas understand Colon hydrotherapy is a process, not a quick cure; it is used as a detoxification process, rejuvenation and restoration of good colon health. Multiple sessions combined with good eating habits and regular exercise is necessary to achieve optimal results. It is advised before beginning diet, exercise, or complimentary modality, to discuss it with your physician. The number of colonics you may need depends on your goals, intestinal health, dietary habits, and lifestyle choices
Colon hydrotherapy has been shown to be beneficial for the following conditions:
Acute fecal impaction
Parasitic infection
Atonic colon
Mucous colitis
Fever therapy
Paraplegics & Quadriplegics(Bowel training)
Abdominal distention/flatulence
Hemorrhoids (mild to moderate)
Intestinal toxemia
Balance physiologic flora of large intestine
Preparation for diagnostic study of large intestine
Barium enema
Sigmoidscopy & Colonoscopy
Abdominal Discomfort
Protruding Abdomen
Sagging Posture
Lack of interest in work or play
Bad Breath
Coated Tongue
Lack of Concentration
Body Odor
Lack of Sexual Response
Over / Under Weight
Poor Appetite
Skin Blemishes / Acne
Brittle Hair / Nails
Dark Circles Under Eyes
Shallow Complexion
Cold Hands / Feet
Lower Back Pain
Tender or Rigid Abdomen
Swelling in Legs
Menstrual Problems
High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
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